They said it would be a disservice to this educational mission to perpetuate by way of a new text the view that the cross is primarily about God’s need (via Jesus’ death) to assuage God’s anger. Others pointed out that a hymnal does not simply collect diverse views, but also selects to emphasize some over others as part of its mission to form the faith of coming generations.

In addition, the hymnal is not a vehicle for one group’s perspective but rather a collection for use by a diverse body. While this might not be one’s personal view it is nonetheless a view held by some members of the Presbyterian family of faith. This was the view of Anselm of Canterbury and John Calvin, among others, that God’s honor was violated by human sin and that God’s justice could only be satisfied by the atoning death of a sinless victim. People making a case to retain the text with the authors’ original lines spoke of the fact that the words expressed one view of God’s saving work in Christ that has been prevalent in Christian history. The new hymnal committee, though, had found the song in a recently printed hymnal by a group of Baptists where the words were different: “Till on that cross as Jesus died The love of God was magnified.” In the process of clearing copyrights the committee discovered that the authors had not approved and would not approve the change.

In Christ alone, who took on flesh, Fullness of God in helpless babe! This gift of love and righteousness, Scorned by the ones He came to save: Till on that cross as Jesus died, The wrath of God was satisfied – For every sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live. When Stuart Townend and Keith Getty wrote their 2001 hymn one stanza went like this: Some say it’s about the “wrath of God.” Others that it’s the word “satisfied” and the theology that goes along with it. When the hymn’s authors refused to change their lyrics the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song voted to drop it.

“Fans of a beloved contemporary Christian hymn won’t get any satisfaction” in the new Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) hymnal, Glory to God, according to USA Today.